Tuesday, February 09, 2010

"Rightly Dividing the Truth"

OK, every church has those people who...shall we say 'think' they are spiritual, but are in all actuality some of the most nonspiritual Christians you could ever meet. It should be noted that they feel their way is the only way, their music is the only good music, their preference is the best, them, them, them etc.

Every now and then they feel 'lead by God' to be anonymous prophets - AKA, spineless critics. They send unsigned letters, notes etc to you. This week one of those precious people posted a religious news article on the bulletin board in the church hallway for people to read. The article which you can see below is critical of churches and "so called" pastors who adjust their service schedule or show the Super Bowl inside the "Sanctuary". Normally I just grin at this sort of thing and move on, but the title of this column is "Rightly Dividing the Truth." I take issue with article because it is pathetically Non-Biblical. I'm TOTALLY OK with someone having different preferences or traditions than me, but you better not try to distort God's Word in the process. The other reason I would like to draw attention to the article is because for the last month in our student ministry we have been discussing what the 'church' is and is not from a Biblical viewpoint.

So, I'm asking our students to comment on this post and point out the errors you can find based on the teaching we've been examining in the Bible during FUEL over the last month. Let's see how many you can catch.

- Brad.