David had done absolutely nothing wrong to Saul. In actuality David had preserved Saul's kingdom from the hands of the Philistine army. David had done for Saul what no one else was willing to, or could do.
However, David found himself constantly on the run for his life from the King of Israel.
Then one day there was a golden opportunity for revenge. There was an easy payback. There was even encouragement from everyone around David to get 'even' - no one would blame him after all. But David didn't. He didn't take his revenge, he didn't get even, he didn't fight.
In 1 Samuel 24 David was in a cave unbeknownst to Saul. It seemed like the opportune moment to strike a deadly blow and end this real life - life or death game of hide and seek. However, David was bigger than his enemy. David let God take care of his critics and his enemies. In verse 6 & 7 David said to his men in response to their urging for him to fight Saul:
"He said to his men, "I swear before the Lord: I would never do such a thing to my lord, the Lord's anointed. [I will never] lift my hand against him, since he is the Lord's anointed." With these words David persuaded his men, and he did not let them rise up against Saul."
Charles Stanley is the pastor of First Baptist Church of Atlanta. He has been a faithful pastor for many years. When you see one of the In Touch broadcasts on TV, you see a pastor and a local church that God has used mightily in Atlanta and all over the world. You might be surprised how things were in the beginning though. Stanley was a man who would not compromise the message of the Word of God. It seemed to some that he spent too much time emphasizing evangelism. He had numerous enemies in the church when he began his ministry there. Influential enemies. During one especially contentious business meeting at the church one of those enemies actually punched him right in the face.
What happened next won the day. Instead of getting up and physically defending himself. Charles Stanley calmly, and peacefully responded to the man's punch with grace.
That night the battle was won. Not by Stanley, but by God. He had refused in months prior to air his defenses from the pulpit, and on that night he had refused to even respond to violence thrust upon him. He had been, however, praying for months that God would remove the enemies of the Gospel in his church. As he said years later, "I fought the battle on my knees".
We can fight, or we can let God fight for us.
Who's the better Warrior?
- Brad