The show has taken the typical liberal - we must have a gay couple - turn for the worst. I just refuse to watch men kiss.
However, in this brief moment that we were watching a great truth was proclaimed in a scene between the Chief Resident (Dr. Miranda Bailey) and one of the Resident doctors. (Izzie Stephens, played by Katherine Heigl)
In the scene Izzie is conflicted and torn because she feels her patient needs Psychiatric treatment, but her friend and co-worker is dating the patient and feels he can take care of her - and thus doesn't want the treatment performed.
After some mellow drama Izzie goes to Dr. Bailey the chief resident because she "doesn't know what to do" and wants Dr. Bailey to step in and take care of it. Dr. Bailey refuses to intervene and gives Izzie this line: "It isn't that you don't know what to do, it's simply that what you have to do is hard to do."
I was taken back by that little pithy statement, and even remarked to my wife Julie that I thought that was sermon material. How true it is...we so often say to ourselves and anyone that will listen when we have a tough decision to make: "I don't know what to do!"
But, is that always the case, or is Dr. Bailey on to something? Maybe the real issue is that what we know we have to do - is simply just hard to do.
Think on that.
- Brad