People often have asked me, as it relates to church ministry: "Where did you learn that?", or "Where did you get that idea?"
Occasionally I have been creative and come to it myself, but most of the time I am inspired by a host of what I describe as, 'Very Effective Churches and Church Leaders.'
So, for those who ask, here is a short list of Very Effective Churches/ministries and Church Leaders who are on my radar:
NewSpring Church - Senior Pastor, Perry Noble
Willow Creek Community Church - Senior Pastor, Bill Hybels
Saddleback Community Church - Senior Pastor, Rick Warren
North Point Community Church - Senior Pastor, Andy Stanley
Mars Hill Church - Senior Pastor, Mark Driscoll
Mars Hill Bible Church - Senior Pastor, Rob Bell - Senior Pastor, Craig Groeschel
268 Generation/722 - Leader, Louie Giglio and Jarrett Stevens
Granger Community Church - Senior Pastor, Mark Beeson
Fellowship Church - Senior Pastor, Ed Young Jr.
Seacoast Church - Senior Pastor, Greg Surratt
OK, so who do you learn from? Leave me a comment and let me and other readers know.
If you're in ministry and you are not watching and learning from Very Effective Leaders - start doing so, or...well you should find something besides ministry to do.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
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Brad's Musings are a collection of my thoughts and opinions. Therefore they do not necessarily represent the views of my church, family, and anyone else for that matter.
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