Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What to make of Obama and his Pastor/Spiritual Mentor?

Warning, the video below may contain content that is offensive.

Controversy of this magnitude rarely makes itself known until the general election. I suppose the hotly contested Democratic primary was enough to bring out the full array of political weaponry.

You must have heard of Rev. Jeremiah Wright by now, if you haven't Google his name for 5,012 news articles detailing his insanity and extreme racism. Obama finds himself in a real tale spin that he and his aides may not be able to control. The image damage may be too great to repair.

The fact that stings for Obama is that he has claimed to be a member of Wright's former church for 20 years. Additionally, he has leaned on Wright as a 'mentor' for several years. It is simply impossible that Barack was unaware of these extreme views

What thoughts do you guys have on his future campaign?

- Brad