Everyday I drive past the broken light and wonder to myself, "How many months will go by before it gets fixed?"..."Will it be fixed as a result of an accident, or before an accident?"
Truth is, many of the important things in life get overlooked. I believe one of the primary reasons this happens is simply because the consequences are not immediate.
Months have gone by and to my knowledge no accidents have occurred as a result of the faulty traffic light, so why fix it?
It is very easy to become numb to potential consequences. We often time will only address the problems in our lives that cause immediate pain. As long as no accidents occur, the issue doesn't affect our conscious or priorities.
The great danger with this mindset is that the pain of a potential consequence come to fruition hurts much more deeply because we KNOW we could have done something about it, but chose not to.
So how are things in your Marriage?
How is your spiritual walk?
Spoke with anyone about Jesus lately?
Don't let the important things get overlooked. Eventually a faulty traffic light causes a nasty crash - where lives are changed forever!
- Brad