Saturday, February 03, 2007

The NFL, also known as the No Fun League

Well it seems the NFL has found a problem much more serious than all the drug, steroid, and violence issues they face.

Churches hosting Super Bowl Parties.

NFL officials spotted a promotion of Fall Creek Baptist Church’s “Super Bowl Bash” on the church Web site last week and overnighted a letter to the pastor demanding the party be canceled, the church said. You can read the account from Sports Illustrated HERE.

NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said the league’s long-standing policy is to ban “mass out-of-home viewing” of the Super Bowl. An exception is made for sports bars and other businesses that show televised sports as a part of their everyday operations.

So, just for the record - Can you go to a Strip Club that shows sports, Yes. Get drunk at the local Pub while watching the game, Yes. Have some chips and dip with your kids while watching the game at your church, NO WAY!

Tank Johnson can travel outside of state lines to play in the Super Bowl, when no other person could, but a church can't have a 'Super Bowl' Party. Congrats to the NFL, which is well on it's way to becoming just like the MLB and NBA.