The Trio won 5 awards for a product - that by industry standards, wasn't that fantastic. The 'Album of the year' was about 2 million units shy of being the top seller of the year. Two Disney soundtracks (High School Musical and Hannah Montana) outsold "The Long Way Home" according to top40about.com. "Not Ready to Make Nice" - song of the year last night at the Grammys wasn't in the Top 10 Songs played on the radio in 2006 according to factmonster.com. According to Billboard.com last night's 'Song of the Year' wasn't in the Top 40 of digital downloads.
James Blunt, Mary J. Blige, Carrie Underwood, Beyonce, John Mayer, Shakira and Justin Timberlake all had better musical years than the Dixie Chicks. So why do the Chicks get the nod? Why did so many awards that are supposed to go to the best, not go to the winners. Is there a new trend in today's culture that I have mistakenly overlooked? Should Rex Grossman have won MVP this year in the NFL? Maybe the NBA will follow suit and finally award the Atlanta Hawks champions of the season.
Or, maybe you win Awards to make, subtle political statements. I am so sick of politics becoming attached to everything in society that has a platform. Occasionally - no problem, but the constant saturation, give me a break...If I wanted Iraq or Social Security I would tune in to Fox News or CNN...please just let me listen to music! Jimmy Carter won a Grammy for his book "Our Endangered Values" ... Are you kidding me? 14 of his Board of Advisers resigned because of his latest book stating, "We can no longer endorse your strident and uncompromising position," "This is not the Carter Center or the Jimmy Carter we came to respect and support." He spends weeks having to correct his errors and misinformation contained in his rants, then receives awards for it. Someone call Taco Bell - they may be up for some FDA awards.
So maybe the Awards shows should add 1 more award to the 1 zillion they already give. The 2007 Grammy for "Artist who voiced their political views to our liking the most" goes to _____________.
So people clap, stand and whistle for the years best music...no way. Give your political award out, fine, but please leave the other awards for merit.