Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Ultimate Bad in life can sometimes lead to the Ultimate Good.

**Updated with comments from Ashley's mom**
This week James Sams, a senior at Roane County High School was killed in a head on collision. His family and friends are grieving and mourning deeply. The pain is no doubt excruciating. That made last night's FUEL service a little different. I knew we would have some hurting young people who had lots of big questions.

I thought the best thing to do was talk about Hope. So with the help of Louie Giglio and his talk "Hope when life hurts most" we did that.

7 Students trusted Christ, another 8 rededicated their lives to the savior.

Some were reminded of the Hope that is in the Cross of Jesus Christ.

It has been a painful week for many. A week of great loss. But last night...last night was a night of great victory!

- Brad