These are tough times for us, but nothing compared to what other people are going through on the other side of this planet. In Kenya there is a group of people referred to as the Maasai - a tribal culture, that John Shepherd of Calvary Road Ministries has been ministering to for 10 years. Their land is in a historical drought. Not the "don't water your lawn this month" kind of drought, but a livestock and people killing drought.

It is so serious that Calvary Road Ministries is raising $65,000 to feed 18-22 thousand people for 1 month. I know John, and his ministry - they are going to do everything they can to help these people spiritually and physically. Will you help them?
Our help is needed. This isn't hype - it's life or death for these people. If you want to learn more about the drought, the people, and how you can donate, please visit
- Brad