We had 45 students in attendance, which is almost 3 times the attendance from my first visit...Praise the Lord. We have averaged over 40 for several weeks hitting 50 a couple of times. My goal is to have 75 in attendance this Spring.
Last night's message was part 2 in our series: Questions. The question was: Is Jesus really the only way to heaven?
Here are a few highlights from our talk:
"To the postmodernist, reality is whatever the individual imagines it to be."
"Postmodernists often suggest that every opinion should be shown equal respect."
"Except, there is no tolerance for the belief in Absolute Truth."
"Every person should be respected...Jesus said to love our enemies..."However, every idea should not be equally respected"
"If every idea should be respected, then Hitler's ideology should be respected"
"Where is the moral boundary for the relativist?"
"Postmodernism's chief enemy is Biblical Christianity because Biblical Christianity calls for absolute truth and Jesus Christ as the exclusive Savior of mankind."
"The Scripture clearly teaches the exclusivity of Jesus Christ as the Savior of the World."
(John 14:6, Acts 4:12, John 3:36, 1 Timothy 2:5)
"Will you trust in the only means of salvation, the grace of Jesus Christ?"
4 Students said Yes!
- Brad