Ever feel LOST?
That’s the way many parents I know feel about parenting in this technological age.
Do you understand this language: LOL, BRB, ROFL, 4COL, 2GTBT, BFF, TTYL?
Really feeling LOST?
IPods and IPhones … PSPs and GPS
Does Facebook, MySpace and Social Networking in general scare you to death?
Navigating the waters of the Wired, now Wireless age can be difficult. Protecting your kids from porn, drugs, alcohol – all of which are readily available for even 6th graders everywhere – is hard work.
Need a map for your child’s trip through adolescence?
We’re here for you!
I want to personally invite you to a special FUEL event designed to inform and equip you to navigate tricky waters and avoid the evils that seek to destroy your family.
THIS Wednesday, November 19th @ 7pm in the Old Sanctuary of South Harriman Baptist Church, Parents of Middle School and High School students are invited to join our FUEL service for a unique night of Worship and teaching. I hope you’ll plan to attend this joint service with your teenager – we’ll make it worth it.
Unworthy but His,
Brad Raby, Student Pastor
Unworthy but His,
Brad Raby, Student Pastor