I was not a Barack Obama supporter. He is far too liberal in far too many of my conservative ideals. However, there is something I am happy for today.
This country elected a black man as President.
145 years ago that couldn't happen - The country was just on the verge of making a black man free.
40 years ago our country was vying for basic equality.
40 years ago our country was vying for basic equality.
Less than 24 hours ago "The Dream" was fulfilled for many people. An African American family will be in the White House, not as tourists, or staff members, but as The First Family.
One of the unheralded forces that has helped allow this:
It will not be be viewed by many in this fashion, but I believe George W. Bush deserves a significant amount of credit for embracing diversity. There has been no President - Democrat or Republican that has ever put as many minorities and women at higher levels of office than 'W'.
There will still be some in our nation on the two outside extreme fringes of the race equality conversation in this country. There will still be Rev. Jeremiah Wright's and Skin Head Nazi idiots. But, today they become irrelevant, small noises in the symphony of reality.
No matter the President, It's a great day to be an American.
- Brad