Thursday, October 02, 2008

The Rundown...

OK, here are the quick hitters from my hyper active mind this morning:

1. We had a great FUEL service last night. We concluded Part 4 of our GameTime series with: "Listen to Your Coaches". We discussed the reality of Authority in our lives - and the importance of obeying and honoring authority, because God is the one who ultimately establishes authority. Our attitude and response to authority, is ultimately our attitude and response to God.

What fascinates me are the conversations I have with teenagers following sermons that involve sex, and their relationship with their parents. It never fails that I will talk/counsel/pray with more students after these subjects than just about any other subject I teach on.

2. Barack Obama introduced the best public policy idea that I have heard this entire campaign season. He said on Mike and Mike in the Morning that as President he would have his Attorney General look into making it a federal law to mandate a College Football Playoff. That kind of politics could win every State in the Union.

3. The United States Government has officially recognized me as poor. Today our family qualified for WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) I guess I'm really not doing a good job at using the church for my own financial gain.

4. I'm proud of what our church did here:

SHBC Student Ministry Service Project from Brad Raby on Vimeo.

5. Roane County High School, AKA: Kingston High School, did not throw a single pass in last Friday night's game. That must have been torture to watch.

6. Speaking of football - I'm considering starting a QB and RB handoff camp. I have the credentials - I never lost a single fumble to a handoff or snap in my Quarterbacking career. To the best of my knowledge anyway. I have the tapes, I may just have to back and watch them! Anyway, if I do I'll call Phil and ask him to send me Jonathon Crompton and Arian Foster right away.

Well that's it for now - I'm out.

- Brad