Tired of the campaign season - both the local and national ones? I am. Annoyed with the state of our government and political system? I am. Poli-Ticked? I am. So with one week to go, here are some questions I have for our politicians:
Social Issues:
- Abortion. For those who are pro-choice, I do not agree with your position. However, this question isn't about when life begins, it is about your agenda. Why are so many pro-choice politicians and activists pushing for legislation that would prohibit parental notification for abortions performed on minors?
Every 16 year-old has to sign a note of parental consent to ride a school bus on a field trip...but having an abortion is off limits?
Economic Issues:
- Socialism. We need to help the poor and helpless, but not the poor and lazy. Why do so many of you feel that raising taxes on corporations will help the poor? Wouldn't corporations having more capital to create jobs for the poor be a better way to help the middle class?
- Wall street. Regulation isn't the answer. Prison time is. Will you pursue people at the head of financial frauds as severely as you do Martha Stewart and Major League Baseball players that use steroids?
Health care:
- Universal Health care. I am uninsured, yet I do not feel that the government owes it to me to provide me with health insurance. I am entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness...not an HMO. If you tax me to pay for someone else's health insurance, will you eventually tax me to pay for someone else's college education?
- What demographic is most concerned with race in this election? I can honestly say I have never looked at Obama as the 'black' guy, or McCain as the 'white guy'. Is it me, or is the majority of my generation just not as racially oriented?
Just some questions from my my musings.
- Brad