Friday, September 05, 2008

This is the kind of thing that makes it worth it

An e-mail from one of our SHBC students really encouraged me yesterday:
"...i just want you to know that i am glad that i got to meet you. When you teach i really do understand what your saying. Thank you for putting it at my level so i could understand the Bible. Before you came i barely knew anything about the Bible so thank you so very much..."

If you're willing to believe me, I didn't post this to be a pat on my back. It is encouraging to see what you believe fleshed out. I believe simple is great, and less is often more. My teaching philosophy is simple: Take one Biblical principle, and then relevantly and effectively communicate that principle to listeners who can then apply the principal to their everyday lives.

I'm amazed God lets me do this, to Him be the glory!

- Brad