So, why a ministry 'brand'?
There are a couple of reasons?
1.) The main reason is to answer this question? What is Youth Group? Is it when the Sunday School or Small Groups are meeting? Is it a trip the kids are going on? Is it a Bible Study on Wednesday night? So, by branding the various aspects and purposes of your ministry, you can clearly identify and communicate what's going on.
For example, after the branding process, I'll never refer too (and hopefully neither will our staff) the Wednesday Student Worship Service as 'Bible Study' or 'Youth Group'. As a result people will recognize and know exactly what I'm referring too when I make an announcement that refers to FUEL.
2.) It helps define the purpose of the event/program/process. FUEL illustrates the purpose of our Wednesday Worship Service: To motivate and challenge students to connect with God, and oneanother. To challenge them to live for God in their schools, on their teams etc...
3.) It helps with marketing. How do you market 'Youth Group'? Marketing FUEL will be easy.
So FUEL launches tonight, and I'm looking forward to it.
BTW, we have a one time offer one Fuel T-shirts. They will be on sale for $10. After 2Nite they will be $12.
- Brad