North Point Community Church is one of many that are doing something about it. Saturday night Julie and I, along with some great friends took in MarriedLife Live - an event designed to strengthen marriages.
It isn't you're typical 'churchy' event where couples come and sit in pews, sing some christian hymns, listen to a talk and then go home.
It was different. A really talented girl started off singing Natasha Bedingfield's Pocketful of Sunshine. The entertainment was great...so were the cheesecake bites. The talk was on dealing with conflict in your relationship...it was excellent.
The really important thing is this: I would do it again. And not because I feel the guilt that I 'should' because I'm 'supposed' to. I would go to MarriedLife with Julie because I LIKED it. It was relevant to me. I enjoyed it. I didn't have to sing Amazing Grace...I know that sounds like sacrilege, but I'm just being honest...sorry. It was like a real date.
That is what made the difference. I have been to more than my share of church events, not because I wanted to be there, but because I should be there. I used to think that was what being a committed believer was all about - enduring, not enjoying. Now, I believe you can and should do both. I'll even go as far to say that boring church is sinful. Last night wasn't boring, it was fun and it has helped my marriage already. Thank You Jesus and thanks NPCC.
- Brad