Saturday, August 02, 2008

Great Resources for Small Groups

Last week a leader in our church asked me for some good Small Group/Sunday School curriculum. I figure there are others out there who could use the info I gave him. Also, some of you probably have some good resources as well - so let us know what they are by leaving a comment. - They have researched the current published curriculum options for small groups and come up with over two hundred that they recommend. You can search through this database and find the one that is right for your group to study.

This resource is a ministry of North Point Community Church, and I strongly recommend it as I love it personally. There is a great variety here. - These small group studies are produced by Saddleback Community Church where Rick Warren is pastor. You can also get the Celebrate Recovery materials (Addiction Abuse) from this site.

There are many others out there, these are just a few. Let us all know where you find good, doctrinally sound, relevant Bible study materials by leaving us a comment below.

- Brad