Monday, May 05, 2008

Horse Crap

The Kentucky Derby was filled with excitement and tragedy on the first Saturday in May this year. Eight Belles, a 3 year-old filly, racing and finishing second in this years derby tragically collapsed at the end of the race. She suffered severe injuries and was thus euthanized on spot at the race.

It was the first time in 134 years that anyone can remember a horse dying at the track. As a matter of fact, there are approximately 1.75 racing fatalities for every 1,000 starts in horse racing. It is rare.

In America our past time is certainly no longer Baseball - and I believe it isn't even a sport period these days. America's favorite past time is now simply over reaction.

While I find it very sad and tragic that Eight Belles lost her life Saturday, and I believe evaluation is necessary...WHO THE HECK DOES PETA THINK THEY ARE?

Today, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals have decided that they are the authority on all things horse racing, and for that matter, they are omniscient and all knowing as well. God apparently has company now.

PETA has called for Gabriel Saez (the jockey) to be suspended, contending he should have noticed an injury and pulled the horse up rather than apply the whip. They faxed a letter Sunday to Kentucky's racing authority claiming the filly was "doubtlessly injured before the finish".

Doubtlessly? Are you serious PETA? Apparently they are Horse Whisperers, and just before her collapse Eight Belles called out to them with that message.

Furthermore, they want to revoke the $400,000 winnings and ban the use of the whip. While I will concede that agreement is not 100%, most horse racing experts believe the whip is necessary to control the horses and that if the whip was banned it would cause more chaos and increase the number on injuries.

The over reaction to events like these is ridiculous. Should there be evaluation, absolutely. Should drugs be prohibited? Probably. Should Race Day medications be banned? Sure.

Does a Jockey and a Horse Trainer run a horse, that is worth so much money in future races and breeding, a horse they love, to death? "Doubtlessly, No!"

PETA should really be the ones considering changes. Starting with a name change: PWAIDFMA, People With And Incessant Desire For Media Attention.

- Brad