Dear Brad,
I had a father come to me and said his 14-year-old son has been downloading pornography. He's probably not too deep into it. The dad wants to know if we can recommend any good material for him to use in -- anything to read or study -- with his son. He wants to work with him now to prevent deeper involvement.
Any suggestions?
Pastor ________.
My Response:
Dear Pastor________,
Yes, I have your 1 stop shopping.
This website is complete with anonymous counseling, materials to beat the addiction, accountability software, both free and for purchase. Additionally, it has information for pastors, parents, teens etc.
These guys are leading a revolution against porn and trying to evangelize the porn community.
They are straightforward, and very open - so they aren't prim and proper enough for a booth at the local convention meeting, but if he wants help it is the place to go.
All pastors should be made aware of this ministry. And, of course you already know he should sit down with his son and the student pastor to establish some accountability and set up follow-up help.