Having said that - here is the question I hate to pose, but seems very logical in this age of Sexualizing Adolescents (See Gossip Girl, Super Bad, Miley, American Pie and the list goes on and on all the way back to Brooke Shields):
Have we created a culture that produces Pedophiles?
Well, I think the answer to that question is most certainly Yes!
The very thought of this kind of debauchery is deplorable, but is less of a mystery to me than it once was. When news stories of abused children would come across my TV screen I used to think to myself: "I just do not understand how someone could fall into such sin."
However, it has recently occurred to me that our culture is provoking 14 and 15 year olds to be like 22 year olds. After all, one of the most popular graduation presents for wealthy teenage girls is breast enhancement. See MySpace, your local mall, and teen TV dramas for evidence.
I don't mean to say that pedophiles aren't to be held 100% accountable for their evil. What I mean to say is simply this: TV Networks, the next time you air a news story about some teacher having sex with a minor, don't look so bewildered and shocked - your primetime programing helped cause it. Take a good look in the mirror when you ask, "What causes this behavior?"
- Brad