As I often tell my students: "Your friends will determine the quality of your life". Not original to me...HT: Andy Stanley
There truly is a correlation to those you hang with - and how life goes for you. Iron sharpens Iron, but paper dulls a blade. My life has been shaped significantly by my friendships through the years. Unfortunately, there simply is not enough room to write all the people who have shaped me into who I am.
I had friends who were there for me when I needed a hand.
I have friends who have lovingly told me where I was wrong.
I have had friends who made me laugh.
I have had friends taught me how to live courageously for God.
I have friends who have disappointed me, then made big comebacks.
I have friends who have fallen, and I am still waiting for their comeback.
I have friends who encourage me.
I have friends who have forgiven me.
I am Thankful for those whom I call friend. I'm not all I should be, but much I what I am - is because of good friends.
- Brad
How did these guys find themselves in a coffee shop so often together?