Acts 22:2 "When they heard that he was addressing them in the Hebrew language, they became even quieter." (HCSB)
The context of the above quote describes the loud and raucous audience that had formed as a result of Paul's missionary exploits. Paul had been instructing people in "The Way" - specifically the controversy seemed to stem from Paul bringing in Gentiles (ahh, racism) into the Temple and thus 'defiling' it.
Luke's description of the crowd's reaction is quite interesting to me though. As soon as Paul spoke in the Hebrew language, the audience responded. The Jews who were in rage over the Gentiles understood and spoke the Gentile language. The whole world spoke and understood Greek at this time, BUT the Jewish population responded when he spoke to them in Hebrew! Why? Because it was the language of their culture.
Lesson learned? It isn't enough to speak English - we must speak the language of the culture!
What does our preaching sound like in the ears of our culture? Is our message powerful, but our delivery killing it? Something to ponder.
- Brad