Monday, September 24, 2007

Liberal Hypocrisy

I have written a number of times on this blog about the 'in your face' hypocrisy of the liberal establishment that includes Bill Maher, Hillary, Sharpton and so on. Add to the list Columbia University.

This week Columbia is hosting Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as a guest speaker at the University. Naturally, there has been outrage expressed over having this anti-American, anti-Israel, anti-woman, anti-Jew, pro-Hezbollah, pro-al qaeda crazy man at the campus of an American University. Early reports of a special tour of ground zero sparked all sorts of pundits and political action groups to influence the NYC mayor to forbid the ridiculous agenda packed charade.

What has stood out to me the most however is the response of the Columbia University Administration, who feel that allowing Ahmadinejad to speak represents 'free speech', the 'American way' blah, blah. John Coatsworth, one of the deans at the Ivy League University made a chilling remark stating that if Adolf Hitler were alive today that he too would have an opportunity to speak at the the University.

Well isn't it just wonderful that Columbia allows people from all walks of life to share their views and opinions on their campus...oh wait! That's a load of junk!

This same 'free speech' Columbia University hasn't allowed ROTC on campus since 1969 and hasn't granted credits for ROTC since 1990. Why this hatred for the U.S. Military? On of the primary reasons is the perceived discrimination of homosexuals in the military.

Why is this interesting? Ahmadinejad supports state-sponsored stoning of gays in the public. The in your face hypocrisy of Columbia in regards to their stand against Conservatives who frown on homosexuality and their acceptance of a man who supports the execution of homosexuals is enraging. The Ivy League school, with their academic depth have become intellectual vacuums. The local community college may not have the esteemed Physicist, but is likely to give a better education that these 'elite' institutions of 'higher' learning.

Question? Will the female students of Columbia be allowed to attend the sessions? Just curious, since they are banned from soccer games in Iran.

Yeah, George W. Bush is really a tyrant!

- Brad