There are so many books out there these days and no way to read them all, so I have compiled a list of 10 with three honorable mentions. These books would be great reads for any believer and numbers 8, 7, 4 for unbelievers as well.
If you are a church leader – these are MUST reads.
These are MY top 10, feel free to offer suggestions
Honorable Mention:
Fresh Wind Fresh Fire – Jim Cymbala
The Barbarian Way – Erwin McManus
I am not, but I know I AM – Louie Giglio
Top Ten Books for Church Leaders
10. Love Worth Finding: The Biography of Adrian Rogers – Joyce Rogers
9. 12 Ordinary Men – John MacArthur
8. Mere Christianity – C.S. Lewis
7. Choosing to Cheat – Andy Stanley
6. Integrity Crisis – Warren Wiersbe
5. The Creative Leader – Ed Young Jr.
4. 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership – John Maxwell
3. The Church of Irresistible Influence – Robert Lewis
2. Communicating for a Change – Andy Stanley
1. Purpose Driven Church – Rick Warren
All of these titles can be found at or
* for all you ultrarighteous out there - this list was created assuming that the Bible is the ultimate #1 book.
- Brad
Monday, June 25, 2007
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Brad's Musings are a collection of my thoughts and opinions. Therefore they do not necessarily represent the views of my church, family, and anyone else for that matter.
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