Superman Returns and Spiderman 3 have taken visual effects to an all new level in the last year. 500 million bucks worth of dazzling imagery to be exact.
So Why "Spiritual Spiderman?" Because Spiderman 3 brought the message of Good vs Evil to the forefront once again in a creative and intriguing way. Here's just a few observations:
- Spiderman's evil came from within. It was his own desire of revenge. It was his own pride and arrogance. It was his weakness. Interesting. I counsel a lot of people in pastoral ministry. A Common thread among many that I counsel repeatedly - They are victims, or so they feel. It is God's fault. Their Dad's fault. Their Boss' fault. Their Husband or Wife's fault. You name it. The reason I counsel them repeatedly? - They won't take an honest look in the mirror.
- To aid in depicting the Evil, Peter Parker went EMO. If you don't know what EMO is, ask your teenager, or if you don;t know one - ask the first one you see at the mall. I'm not drawing any conclusions, just find it interesting they used that sub-culture to depict Evil.
- Spiderman, a super hero couldn't conquer his weaknesses' or his enemies alone. Even he needed other people in his life.
- Mary Jane was hurt that Peter Parker would flirt with another girl...What, I thought Grey's Anatomy was fixing us narrow minded hate mongers (me) that a little play is ok - just feel bad about it for a minute or two. Interesting.
There are plenty others...what did you see???