Is 24 hours more than enough time to grieve and deal with a tragedy like that of the the Virgina Tech massacre.
Yesterday evening I went to bed and checked the news to see if there were any more developments in the Va. Tech shooting story - there were few, but a new slant had begun on all the news channels that I had been dreading - the blame everyone, but the insane evil killer slant.
Today, I awoke and turned on FOX News, flipped to CNN and the like - all dissecting, examining, and scrutinizing every move the University President and Police Chief made. There was Mr. Mustache Geraldo drilling the President on why this and why not that. It is as if The University and the Police department were to be just like CTU and Jack Bauer in an episode of 24 - you know, where Jack can fly from China to the US, knock out entire terrorist cells all in one evening between 9 pm and 10 pm.
ABCNEWS Headline: "Should the President step down?" - Did a crazed man just not shoot up innocent people? Are family members not hurting? Are we so rabid and addicted to controversy, scandal and the like that we can't make it 1 full day without reverting to the media seizure that follows every event? Will this soon be George Bush's fault? Did he sabotage the campus security as he did the levies in New Orleans? Of course it is the gun's fault as well. After all, if guns were illegal, just as drugs are, then there would be no violence just as there is no drug abuse in this country.
You can see it their eyes, like rabid wolves - journalists on a mission to nail the real evil doer to a wall.
There may have been mistakes, maybe even big ones, but why can we not just give it 3 or 4 days before we go down this road? Why can't we just feel sorry and express sympathy towards those who were victims? Why Shepherd? Why Katie? Why Anderson?
Maybe I should be asking myself why. After all, it is what I and you consume that drives the boat anyway.
- Brad