Sunday March 25, 2007
Service Teaser: Eleanor from “Gone in 60 seconds”
Music Set: Come Now is the Time to Worship, Blessed be The Name, Holiness, Give us Clean Hands
Series: Under the Hood

Message: “Replacing the Plugs” - Leviticus 19:1,2
Speaker: Brad Raby (me)
Key Thoughts:
“Sin isn’t talked about as much today in churches. Pastors want to be relevant, but what is more relevant than sin? All of us have committed sins this week…how much more relevant can we get?”
“Our secular culture has Normalized the Abnormal, Moralized Immoral and Accepted the Unacceptable.”
“Why would we expect non-believers to act Christian?” “Lions roar and Ducks quack”
“How can the church straighten out the world, if the church it’s is twisted up?”
Leviticus 19:2 Why be holy? “Because I, the LORD your God, am Holy.
“Holiness is not about being a legalistic shrine of religiosity, it is all about being closer to the Father – It is about Intimacy with God.”
“Do you know what the greatest miracle of Salvation is? Not that you get to go to heaven, but that God can take sinners like us and make us into Holy lights for Him in a dark world!”
“What is it that holds you back from the relationship – the Wholeness that God want for your life? Now ask yourself, is it more valuable?”
“When we truly pursue holiness – wholeness in God – purity of heart – This Body of Christ will operate as a community changing force.”
Wednesday (student ministry) March 28, 2007

Series: Real Love
Message: Real Love MisUnderstood 1 Corinthians 13:1-3
Creative Content:
Music: Hero by: Enrique Iglesias
Video: Clips from “What Ever She Wants” and “Hitch”
Talking Points:
“Smooth talking doesn’t always add up to Real Love” (What Ever She Wants music clip)
“Smooth Moves doesn’t always equal Real Love” (Hitch Dance Clip) Video Below
“Don’t build your philosophy of love based on what is in your IPod now or in the theater this Friday – go to the Author of Love the creator of relationships – God”